
Frequently asked questions

If the following answers do not answer your questions, contact us!

819-622-0199 and info@foiregourmande.ca

Do I have to pay for the chip bracelet?

Yes, it is sold for $4 at the ticket offices at the entrance and in the online ticketing at any moment

Is there an admission fee for site?

No! This year, access to the site, exhibitors and family area is free. However, access to the shows is chargeable. You can get the show passport in the online ticketing. The bracelet is also mandatory to make your purchases.

Can I pay for things without using the chip bracelet?

Ticket offices and recharge points accept cash as well as debit and credit cards (Visa and MasterCard). However, for all transactions at bars or with exhibitors, only chip bracelets are accepted.

What do I do if I lose my bracelet?

Go to a ticket office. If you are registered for the Cashless Space, we will be able to collect your money and your access to the shows in order to link them to another chip bracelet.

Do I have to wear the bracelet throughout the event?

Yes! Even though the site is free to access, you will need to keep it around your wrist. Don't worry, you can take a shower with the bracelet, it is waterproof.

Will I be reimbursed for any outstanding credit on the bracelet?

Online reimbursement is only possible for festival-goers registered in the Cashless Space. You can register on your Online Wallet from August 5 until September 15, 2025 to get reimbursed. It is important to note that the amount of money not recovered will be distributed to the organizations participating in the event.

Here are the steps to follow for reimbursement:

1. https://foiregourmande.ca/;

2. “Online wallet” sub-tab: click Access my account. If you do not have an account, you can then create one;

3. Complete the information provided. You will need the chip bracelet number, found on the back of the bracelet, and a credit card. Please note: a separate account, with a separate email address, must be created for each bracelet;

4. The refund will be made directly to your credit card after September 15 (date to be confirmed).

IMPORTANT: keep your bracelet, you will be asked for its number when you are reimbursed.

**This system works whether paid by cash, debit or credit card**